Morristown Professional Basement Remodeling

If you have decided to finish or remodel your basement, you are in for a treat. Remodeling a basement offers almost unlimited opportunity to add living space for your family. It will also increase the value of your home. Finding basement remodeling ideas can be fairly easy using magazines and the internet.
Before you go too far designing your Morristown basement remodel, there are a few very important things you will need to do.
- Check for radon gas.
- Check for dampness, leaks, mold or fungus and correct those problems.
- Seal any cracks in the floor and/or the walls.
- Apply a sealant to the concrete or other building material used to construct your basement.
The next step is to begin to design your basement remodel. It can save a lot of time and a number of headaches if you begin your design by sketching out the floor space in your basement. Next, mark your sketch to show important things you will need to consider in your design
- Show where any windows are located
- Indicate an exterior door
- Indicate the point(s) of access from the main floor
- Locate and indicate on your drawing, the location of your fuse box or circuit breaker box, shut-off valves for water, gas, etc. (You will need to design around these items to keep them accessible.)
- Indicate the location of any plumbing access pipes
- Indicate the location of appliances – furnace, heat pump, water heater, washer and dryer, etc.
- Indicate the location of any support poles or beams
- If ducts for heat and air have already been installed, you might want to include a reminder of the location of any ducts or duct work you will need to accommodate when you install a ceiling.
Calling the experts at Old World Plumbing and Restoration can make the design process go smoothly and efficiently. Give us a call today to begin a consultation to improve your basement.
Our Morristown Basement Remodeling Services